To Allah (Almighty God), and to Him is our return.

About Us > Wills

Will Preparations

What we can offer you

We Can Help You in Preparing Wills

As Australian Muslims, it is our duty to ensure that we have a Will in place which conforms with Islamic guidelines and Australian law. Drafting a Will gives you the opportunity to specify how your funeral arrangements are carried out, how your Estate will be distributed and even matters concerning guardianship of minors.

Drafting a Will gives you the opportunity to specify how your funeral arrangements are carried out, how your inheritance, wealth and estate will be distributed and even matters concerning guardianship of minors. Sydney Islamic Funerals have partnered with some of the community’s most respected lawyers and solicitors, who will be able to assist in this. Please visit our partners list below for more information.

Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: the Messenger pbuh said, “It is not permissible for any Muslim who has something to Will to stay for two nights without having his last Will and testament written and kept ready with him.” Bukhari.

Islamic Will Services

Thinking about the departure of a loved one back to Allah (SWT) is a challenging, emotional time. What’s more, sorting out an Islamic Will in accordance to the Islamic rules of inheritance can also be a daunting task

FAQ’s about Islamic Wills

Yes – these wills are fully legal and binding in England & Wales. We partner with IFG who have fully qualified and registered solicitors.


The current wills service is suitable for anyone whose assets are mainly based in Australia.

Yes. Each spouse has to get their own will written.

Thinking about the departure of a loved one back to Allah (SWT) is a challenging, emotional time. What's more, sorting out an Islamic Will in accordance to the Islamic rules of inheritance can also be a daunting task

Thinking about the departure of a loved one back to Allah (SWT) is a challenging, emotional time. What's more, sorting out an Islamic Will in accordance to the Islamic rules of inheritance can also be a daunting task

Thinking about the departure of a loved one back to Allah (SWT) is a challenging, emotional time. What's more, sorting out an Islamic Will in accordance to the Islamic rules of inheritance can also be a daunting task

Our Islamic Wills Partners

Drafting a Will gives you the opportunity to specify how your funeral arrangements are carried out, how your Estate will be distributed and even matters concerning guardianship of minors.

Kaled Kheir
Principal Lawyer
(02) 9790 2522

Ramia Abdo Sultan
Principal Lawyer
(02) 9793 3779

Muhammad Zreika
Principal Lawyer
0431 721 684

Discover everything you need to know at our Funerals Office.

If you’ve got a question. we have the answer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings. we’re here to help you through it Come to our office and learn everything to make this journey smooth and easy.

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