To Allah (Almighty God), and to Him is our return.

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Death Preparations

What do we do after a loved one has passed away.

Death is an absolute certainty for all created life, regardless of gender, wealth, skin color, health, or age. Though it can be uncomfortable to talk about or even think of, it is important to be prepared for the eventuality.

This page provides a guide on how to handle the death of a loved one in a way that fulfills both legal and Islamic requirements.

It explains the Islamic process of mourning and guides readers on how to properly observe the rites of passage, including offering the appropriate prayers while avoiding customs that contradict Islamic teachings.

Topics covered by this guide include:

• How to perform Janazah prayers

• What to do when someone is passing

• What to do when someone has passed

• Other reference material about the Islamic funeral process

It is also hoped that this publication can be a reminder for each of us to
prepare for our own inevitable end. This information has been peer reviewed and checked by numerous community members and Sheikhs. It was compiled by the team who produced the MSA Australia publications.

It is Sunnah (prophetic tradition) to encourage the person on whom the signs of death are clearly seen to lie on their right side facing the Qiblah (direction of Mecca). If not possible then on the left side facing the Qiblah.

If lying on either side is painful it is permitted that they be positioned to lie on their back with their feet towards the Qiblah, and the head slightly raised with a cushion so that it faces the Qiblah. All the bed linen must be clean.

If moving the dying person causes them any discomfort then leave them in any convenient position. Imam Nawawi explains that the aim of this practice is to ensure that the person faces the best direction, which is the Qiblah.

At this time the recitation of Qur’an is recommended.

Ma’qil Ibn Yasar reported that the messenger of Allah (saw) said:
“Whoever reads Ya Sin, seeking Allah’s pleasure, his past sins will be forgiven, so recite it over the dying among you”. [Bayhaqi]

Imam Nawawi has said in his al-Majmu: “It is recommended to read Surat Ya Sin for the dying, as has been told to us by our companions”

Practical steps to take upon the death of a loved one

These are the rites and customs for Muslims. Great care and respect is required to be offered to the deceased. Remember this will be you one day!

1. As soon as a person dies their eyes should be gently closed as per the hadith of Umm Salamah. [Sahih Muslim]

2. Gently press the chin upward while holding the top of the head.

If possible, place a strip of cotton under the chin and around the head, tying it firmly at the top.

3. Remove any jewellery such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, nose studs and any piercing. (It is especially important to remove rings before swelling occurs).

4. Straighten the limbs carefully and gently. If they will not straighten (i.e. due to a stroke) do not force them, as this could cause breakage and Islam emphasises that the body of a Muslim is to be respected whether dead or alive. Also, place something heavy on the stomach if possible to prevent bloating.

5. If possible place the toes together and bind the ankles carefully.

6. Do not cut nails or remove unwanted hair from the dead body.

7. Until the time of the dead’s bathing, the body should be covered by a Tahir (clean) sheet.

All the individuals of the deceased’s family may read:


O Allah! Forgive me and him and grant me a good reward after him.



O Allah! Ease upon him his matters and make light work for him whatever
comes hereafter and honour him with your meeting and make that which he has
gone to, better than that which he came out from.



To Allah do we belong and to Him shall we return.

It is the right of a Muslim that when they pass away, other Muslims should pray Janazah prayer for them. Janazah prayer is an individual Sunnah however it is considered a communal obligation. If no one from the whole Muslim Community offers the Janazah Prayers, then the whole community will be considered sinful in the sight of Allah. However, if some Muslims offer the Janazah prayer then the whole community will be saved from the anger of Allah, even though the reward will only be given to the participants in the prayer.

a) Like other prayers, facing the Qiblah is a necessary condition. The Imam should advise the people to straighten the rows. There should be an odd number of rows as it is more rewarding.

b) Intention: Making intention is necessary in Janazah as it is necessary in other prayers.

c) Janazah Prayer contains four Takbirat.


First Takbir:
The Imam says Allahu Akbar and raises his hands up to shoulder level with fingers stretching to the earlobes and the congregation does the same. Then the Imam folds his hands, right hand over left as one does in the usual prayer.


Second Takbir:
Then the Imam should say the second Takbir and the congregation should follow. According to the Hanafi School of jurisprudence one should not raise the hands. However, this is a Sunnah according to the other Schools of jurisprudence


After the Second Takbir:
After the second, Takbir the person praying Janazah should recite Ibrahimiyah in their heart. This is what is recited in Tashahud during prayer.


Third Takbir:
Then the Imam should say the third Takbir and the congregation should follow. One should then supplicate for the deceased.


Fourth Takbir:
The Imam should say the fourth Takbir and then recite the Salaam aloud twice while turning his face first towards the right shoulder and then once again while turning his face towards the left. The congregation should follow by saying the Takbir and Salaam softly.

When a late comer fears that if he engages himself in Wudhu, he will miss the Janazah Salaah, then it is permissible for him to make

Tayammum and join the Jam’ah. This rule applies to the Janazah Salaah only in the Hanafi Madhhab and Ibn Taymiyah ‘s opinion.

Whoever arrives for the Janazah Salaah after the Imam has said one or more Takbir, should wait and join the Imam when he says the next

Takbir. After the salaam he should complete the missed Takbir by merely saying Allahu Akbar once for every Takbir missed. No Du`a should be read. If the Imam has completed the fourth Takbir, then the late comer should join and complete all the missed Takbir (before the Imam says the Salaam).

After Janazah prayers, the deceased body is transported to the grave site. The Islamic norms and practices are such that a rich or poor man will be buried in the same way.

Some points to consider:

• A Muslim is not buried in a coffin. They are buried in the bare grave, wrapped in their Kafn (shroud). A description is in Appendix IV.

• Building of monuments and extravagance is not acceptable.

The Muslim Method of Burial

1. After the Janazah Salaah is performed the deceased should be buried as soon as possible. The Janazah should be carried and placed at the Qiblah side of the grave. The head should be on the right side of the grave if one faces the Qiblah.

2. It is desirable that a Mahram or close relatives (of a female deceased) enter the grave to lower the body. The husband should not enter the grave to bury his wife but he is allowed according to the Shafi’ee Madhhab. It is not Sunnah that there be an odd number. All those who enter the grave should face the Qiblah.

3. It is Mustahab to hold a sheet over the grave while lowering and burying a female. If there is fear of her Kafn opening, then it is Wajib to do so.

4. It is Mustahab for those present to recite this Du`a whilst the body is being lowered: BISMILĀHI WA BIL-LĀHI WA `ALĀ MILLATI RASŪLIL-LĀHI SALLALLĀHU `ALAYHI WA SALLAM

5. After placing the body into the recess of the grave it is Sunnah to turn it onto its Right side to face the Qiblah.

6. The strips of cloth tied at the head side, chest and leg side should now be untied.

7. The recess should then be covered with unbaked bricks, bamboo or timber.

8. It is Mustahab to begin closing the recess or trench from the leg side for males and from the head side for females. All the remaining little openings should be closed with mud or grass.

Ta’ziah is the Arabic word for giving your condolences.

The time for Ta’ziah extends for three days after the death. It is Makruh to make Ta’ziah after this period except in cases where one is not present at the Janazah or when the bereaved is absent.

It is from the teachings of Rasulullah (saw) that one should console and comfort a Muslim who is in distress. Rasulullah (saw) has said: “He who consoles the one in distress shall be rewarded as much as the bereaved.”

There are no specific foods or rituals for the Ta’ziah in Islam. Many customs or actions one witnesses for example, offering sweets or lunches, is more to do with custom and generosity of Muslims; which in its own right is a praiseworthy activity, not an obligation.

There is a difference of opinion between scholars relating to reading Quran over the deceased. So as not to create controversy and a point of quarrelling amongst people, it is best you seek guidance from your local Imam.

Rasulullah (saw) has mentioned, “Visit the graves, for surely visiting the graves lessens worldly love and reminds you of the hereafter.”

The graveyard can be visited on any day.

There are many supplications that may be read at the graveside. Make Du`a for the Maghfirah (forgiveness) of the departed.

Use the opportunity to reflect upon your own relationship with your Lord and the good characteristics you want people to remember you for.

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