To Allah (Almighty God), and to Him is our return.

Helping Families
Connect, Honor
and Remember
A person's farewell should be as special to the person as well as the family. At Sydney Islamic Funerals we can assist with all the necessary arrangements without the added stress.
Slide We Understand
and assist in these
tough times.
Our soft and specialised approach to Islamic funerals is unique and comfortable. We aim to help the families in tough times to ensure that families can mourn without the added stress of the funeral process.
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Sydney Islamic Funerals

We Provide All Types of
Funeral Services

The body of the deceased is washed in a clean, secluded, and private place where clean water and soap are available. Gloves and aprons are always worn when handling and washing the deceased. SIF provides disposable gloves, aprons and face masks. This includes bins for general rubbish as well as hazardous waste bins for any contaminated waste removed from the body.

Arrange a funeral Now

The death certificate is a requirement of the NSW Birth Death Marriages office. A Death Registration Form (DRF) is completed for each death in NSW. Completing the DRS Form Sydney Islamic Funerals provides each family a bereavement package which includes the DRS form.

The form should be completed and returned to the Sydney Islamic Funerals within 7 working days. The DRS form can be returned to the Sydney Islamic Funerals office in person or emailed to

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What to do After Death

The mourning period commences from the day the body is buried. Muslims observe a three- day mourning period where loved ones and relatives may visit the immediate family of the deceased to pay their respect In this time. the bereaved are able to mourn. after which they focus on returning to a functional state.

Etiquettes for Visitors of the Grieving After the funeral and burial. the immediate family will receive visitors. It is customary for the extended family and community to provide food for the family for the first few days of the mourning period.

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Prepare the Will

Drafting a Will gives you the opportunity to specify how your funeral arrangements are carried out, how your inheritance, wealth and estate will be distributed and even matters concerning guardianship of minors.

Sydney Islamic Funerals have partnered with some of the community’s most respected lawyers and solicitors, who will be able to assist in this. Please visit our partners list below for more information.

Create your Will

Preparation of Death

The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged Muslims to visit the grave to reduce our worldly love and to remind us of the hereafter. The grave can be visited at any time. and it is not necessary to visit the day after the burial. However, there is special reward for visiting every week on Friday. When visiting the grave.

It is recommended to say the following dua, which offers salutation to the deceased and seeks their forgiveness: “Oh Muslims residing here, salaams on you, by the will of Allah we will also be coming to-you. We seek safety for us and you”. (Muslim)

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Our Features

The Funeral Services


The Burial Process including
Washing and Shrouding

Burying the deceased is a communal obligation (Fard Kifaayah) for Muslims and is preferably performed as soon as possible. The four aspects which must be performed involve 4 steps


Expressing Comfort

Although eulogies are not part of the Islamic funeral process, during the visitation and mourning period. mourners will speak about the deceased. It is advisable for visitors to minimises the pain of the grieving.


Requirements of the Janazah

Salatul Janazah is a collective obligation. The prayer is different to the five daily prayers, as it is offered standing up behind the dead body. The dead body must be on the ground or propped by a bier. The Janazah prayer does not involve prostrations.

The Funeral Process

How Can We Help?

It is an obligatory act for at least I member of the community to perform this duty (referred to as Fard-e-kifaya – an obligation which if performed by 1 member Of the community. then the entire community is absolved from the responsibility, and if not, then the entire community is accountable to Allah SWT for this omission,

Sydney Islamic Funerals

Our dedicated
team is here 24/7.
Always here for you.

Help and Advice in Funeral Process

What’s involved in a funeral?

SIF holds the privacy of the deceased as a crucial and important requirement during the ghusl. The Awrah (private parts) of the deceased is covered through the entire ghusl process. For males, the Awrah is the body between the navel and the knees. For females, the Awrah is the body between the shoulders and the knees.

Discover everything you need to know at our Funerals Office.

If you’ve got a question. we have the answer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings. we’re here to help you through it Come to our office and learn everything to make this journey smooth and easy.

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